• GF-85, White Cottage, Aditya World City, NH-24 Ghaziabad U.P.
  • Support +91 80765 83354

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

"Judge a country by the place it gives its women.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Why Women Empowerment?

Gender equality remains a burning issue even when women play equally important roles in driving the rural economy in India. Women have always been facing the inequitable distribution of domestic chores besides other responsibilities such as fetching water, collecting firewood and even working in the farms. This is severely impacting their physical security, opportunities for adult education, overall productivity, income generation capacity, nutritional status, and overall health and well-being.

SCF is driving initiatives to reduce the ‘time poverty’ and drudgery of women, provide them with access to economic opportunities and enable their participation in decision-making, so that they become equal partners in the development process.

SCF provides legal awareness/counselling/aid to victims of domestic violence/abuse, and their rehabilitation through vocational training in Computer Application, Beauty Culture and Cutting & Tailoring. The Centre is a catalyst for bringing about social, economic and legal empowerment of underprivileged women; encouraging micro-enterprises and entrepreneurship development through Self-Help Groups (SFG’s). Adult education and health are other areas of assistance.

We strongly believe that women should have equal socio-economic, cultural and political opportunities as men. With this ideology in mind ,a successful attempt was made to empower women of the slum area, we provided them with vocational training of sewing which is relevant to their needs and provides them value added skills to help them earn additional income for their families are proud to say that their lives. Women can be the most important catalysts for change in their children’s lives. Women Vocational Studies & Women Empowerment can be the most important catalysts for change in their kids lives. Women have the power to help & boost entire family when in need. By strengthening women we are actually strengthening roots to a better society.

Access to Counseling and Legel Aid

SCF also runs a Centre for Women in Mathura, UP, which offers vocational courses in Computer Application, Beauty Culture and Cutting & Tailoring. It also has a Counselling & Legal Aid segment, for victims of domestic violence/abuse.

Counseling & Legal Aid for women who are often victims of domestic violence / sexual harassment and abuse.  Women and children are often at higher risk of violence and abuse in the densely packed slum settings.  With low level of literacy rates, women often, are unaware of their legal rights and Government schemes that are in place to help them. Our legal counselor, offers women in the slum communities, aid and counseling, access to government social welfare schemes, and helps them find a voice for themselves and their children.

Selft Defence Training 

Self Defence training is given periodically to help women protect themselves.  They  are also counseled to send their children to school instead of having them work long hours for very little returns. They are taught life-skills as well.

Our mobilizers play a vital role in the successful implementation of our schemes for women. They go in the hot summer sun, in the rainy season and in the biting winter cold, visiting every home in our catchment areas of slums/Village near Indirapuram and Noida, conveying information about our schemes, collecting details of every family, encouraging them to come to our Center for Women, to avail the benefits offered by the Government to those living below the poverty line.